Sophisticated mobile handset with extensive messaging capabilities – G566
The IP DECT handset G566 is a sophisticated handset that provides a range of mobile unified communications and messaging capabilities to fulfill task management and staff/patient safety scenario’s in various businesses, hospitality and healthcare.
- High defi nition audio in line with CAT-iq
- Provides many different call control features seamlessly integrated with the PBX
- Dedicated programmable keys with led indication such as for multi-line functionality
- Any place accessibility improving customer satisfaction, while users keep full control over their presence
- Valuable unifi ed communications, incl. central directory, presence, extensive messaging and alarming
- Intuitive user interface with colour display and icon based menus
- A dual charger allowing an additional battery to be charged
- Personal safety with SOS alarming key
- Provides freedom, comfort and fl exibility to the user with options such as headset and built-in trembler
- DECT compliance for high quality speech and security
The handsets satisfy advanced requirements for mobile voice and message communication in a business environment, providing mobility, fl exibility and accessibility, without compromising on comfort and ease of use.